Program detail

23 April Tuesday

8:30 to 9:00 Registration and coffee

9:00 to 9:10 Welcome (Zahra Kalantari, Director WaterCentre@KTH)

Session 1: Water and Society (Co-chairs: Georgia Destouni and Luigia Brandimarte)

9:10 to 9:35 Keynote talk: Giuliano Di Baldassarre (Uppsala University, Sweden) “Floods, droughts and societies: Interactions, legacies and inequalities in today’s rapidly changing world”


9:35 to 9:50 Sara Lindersson (Uppsala University, Sweden) “Rising waters of inequality – an empirical analysis of income gaps and flood mortality”


9:50 to 10:05 Jonas Althage (Urban flood strategist for the City of Stockholm, Sweden) “The municipality’s role in adapting society to present and future risks from extreme weather events – focus on flood mitigation with the current legal regime”


10:05 to 10:20 Stefan Döring (Uppsala University, Sweden) “Conflict and Cooperation – Reflections from Water-Conflict Research”


10:20 to 10:30 Break


10:30 to 10:55 Keynote talk: Amir Aghakouchak (University of California, USA) “Compound Hydrologic Hazards: Past and Future”


10:55 to 11:10 Maurizio Mazzoleni, (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands) “Improving the assessment of urban water shortages by modelling the human-water interplays”


11:10 to 11:25 Théo Vischel (Institut des Géosciences de l’Environnement, France) “Bridging the knowledge-action gap: an attempt to link climate sciences and decision-makers for future urban flood management in West Africa”


11:25 to 11:40 Joe Mulligan (Kounkuey Design Initiative) “Listen, Learn & Leap: Reflections and Future Research Directions from a Decade of Co-producing Nature-based Solutions in the Urban Riverscapes’ of Nairobi and Dar es Salaam”


11:40 to 11:55 Marco Cavalli (National Research Council, Italy) “The importance of post-event documentation and analysis of flash floods for increased resilience of mountain areas”


11:55 to 12:00 Summary of the session presented by the chairs


Lunch: 12:00-13:00


13:00-13:30 Distinguished lecture: Prof. Andrea Rinaldo (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne and University of Padova) “Pricing the Planet”

Session 2: Water, blue food production, climate nexus (Co-chairs: Jean-Baptiste Thomas and Karina Barquet)

13:30 to 13:55 Keynote talk: Max Troell (Beijer Institute and Stockholm Resilience Centre, Sweden) “Food in a turbulent and challenging future – what role can aquaculture play?”


13:55 to 14:10 Fredrik Gröndahl (KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden) “Blue Food Centre”


14:10 to 14:25 Linus Hasselström and Jean-Baptiste Thomas (KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden) “Environmental performance of blue foods”


14:25 to 14:40 Lena Westlund (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO, Sweden) “The contribution of small-scale fisheries to food security and sustainable development – opportunities and challenges”


14:40 to 14:55 Arno Rosemarin (Stockholm Environment Institute, Sweden) “Sustainable fisheries – an unending struggle – a critical crossroad for Thailand”


14:55 to 15:10 Coffee Break


15:10 to 15:35 Keynote talk: Barry Antonio Costa-Pierce (Ecological Aquaculture International, LLC and Nord University, Norway) “Pathways for Aquaculture to Radically Transform Food Production” 


15:35 to 15:50 Gabriela Argüello (University of Gothenburg, Sweden) “Conflicts at Sea: Coexistence Challenges with Offshore Wind Power”


15:50 to 16:05 David Nilsson (Framverket Utveckling, Sweden) “Welcome to Schizotopia: understanding coproduction for sustainability in Swedish island communities”


16:05 to 16: 20 Bilge Bas (Ghent University, Belgium and Istanbul Bilgi University, Turkey) “Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of a Multi-use Offshore Farm: Integration of offshore mussel farming into offshore wind farms in the Belgian Continental Shelf”


16:20 to 16:35 Ivan Stenius (KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden) “Multi-Use of Ocean Areal Recourses for Wind Energy and Kelp-Aquaculture”


16:35 to 16:40 Summary of the session presented by the chairs


16:40 to 18:00 Poster and mingle


16:40-18:00 Exhibition

24 April Wednesday

8:50 to 9:00 Welcome (Professor Georgia Destouni SU, KTH and KVA)

Session 3: Digitalization in the water sector (Co-chairs: Carla Sofia Ferreira and José Mairton Barros da Silva J.)

9:00 to 9:25 Keynote talk: Robin Teigland (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden) “Driving the Twin Transformation of Coastal Communities: Reflections from Peniche Ocean Watch”


9:25 to 9:40 Haozhi Pan (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China) “Modes of cooperation to mitigate water-related conflicts under uncertain climate future”


9:40 to 9:55 Hossein Hashemi (Lund University, Sweden) “Groundwater evaluation digitalization using remote sensing data and artificial intelligence algorithms”


9:55 to 10:20 Keynote talk: Cong Cong (MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA) “From Nature to Action: Inspiring Change Through Sustainable Solutions”


10:20 to 10:35 Maryam Zamzami (KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden) “Delineating Drinking Water Protection Areas Using Analytic Element Models (AEMs) With Focus on Enabling Uncertainty Analysis Using Monte Carlo Simulations”


10:35 to 10:45 Coffee Break


10:45 to 11:10 Keynote talk:  Matilda Gennvi (Ericsson, Sweden) “Examples of how digitalization supported improved water sector outcomes”


11:10 to 11:25 Saeid Aminjafari (Stockholm University, Sweden) “Leveraging hydrogeodesy to address water-related and sustainability challenges”


11:25 to 11:40 Francisco Peña Escobar & Ioannis Iakovidis (KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden) “Using satellite images and self-supervised deep learning to detect water hidden under vegetation”


11:40 to 11:55 Stefano Crema (National Research Council, Italy) “Flowing toward tomorrow: hydrological and sediment connectivity for improving landscape planning and water resources management”


11:55 to 12:00 Summary of the session presented by the chairs


Lunch: 12:00-13:00


13:00-13:15 Invited talk: Magnus Arnell (RISE Research Institutes of Sweden), Innovation program “Water for Vital Environments – sustainable water for all by 2050”

Session 4: Circularity in water management (Co-chairs: Zeynep Cetecioglu G. and Antonius van Maris)

13:15 to 13:40 Keynote talk: Mark van Loosdrecht (Delft University of Technology, Netherlands) “Circular and net-zero Wastewater Treatment”


13:40 to 13:52 Elin Ossiansson (VASYD, Sweden) “Redirecting carbon in wastewater treatment to enhance nutrient removal – a pilot study”


13:53 to 14:05 Linda Mezule (Riga Technical University, Latvia) “Municipal wastewater sewage sludge as a source for biomolecule production”


14:05 to 14:17 Leire Ruiz Rubio (University of The Basque Country, Spain) “Alginate based nanocomposite hydrogels films for dye remediation from water”


14:18 to 14:30 N. Altinay Perendeci (Akdeniz University, Turkey) “Life cycle assessment for the whey biorefinery concept: Where we are and what lies ahead?”


14:30 to 14:42 Daniel Ddiba (Stockholm Environment Institute, Sweden) “Resource Recovery Toolbox: developing an online platform for making decision support tools for planning and implementing resource recovery more discoverable and accessible”


14:43 to 14:55 Coffee Break


14:55 to 15:20 Keynote talk: Jelena Radjenovic (Catalan Institute for Water Research, Spain) “Nanotechnology-enabled electrochemical systems for water resource recovery”


15:20 to 15:32 David G. Weissbrodt (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway) “Impact of antibiotics and antimicrobial resistance spreading for water (re-)use: are we able to quantify the risks?”


15:33 to 15:45 Jonathan Roques (SWEMARC, Sweden) “Candidatus Scalindua, a biological solution to treat saline recirculating aquaculture system wastewater”


15:45 to 15:57 Yenitze Elizabeth Fimbres Acedo (The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden) “Mineralization as a mechanistic approach for bringing the nexus between water and nutrient inputs in decoupled aquaponics and flocponics”


15:58 to 16:10 Burçin Coşkun (Tekirdag Namik Kemal University, Turkey) “Assessment of Nitrosamine Formation Potential and Disinfection Strategies in Water Circularity”


16:10 to 16:15 Summary of the session presented by the chairs


16:15 to 16:30 Break


General panel discussion: 16:30 to 17:30

17:30 to 18:00 Poster and mingle

Conference Dinner: 18:00

25 April Thursday

Three options for the field trip

  • Utö initiative (9:00 to 16:00) extra cost (450 SEK, at least 10 registered people) CANCELLED!
  • SWIC, Sjöstadsverket Water Innovation Centre (9:00 to 12:00)
  • Djurö Marine Field Station (9:00 to 12:00)